Combustible Dust Applications - Equipment Specifications
David McEwan / 大卫·麦克尤恩
The explosion isolation technology in the application of the prevention of explosion hazard
Niklas Kitzhöfer/尼克拉斯·凯泽弗
Principle and key points of use and maintenance of spark detection and extinguishing device
李鹏 / Patrick.li
Technique of the dust collector systems for different combustible dusts
谭永聪 / Timon Tan
Technical principle and applications of dust explosion protection
宋辰 / Chen Song
Elements of building a compliant dust removal system for explosive dust
胡克鹏 / Byron
Safety Inspection in Hazardous location
朱海锋 / Frank Zhu
How to protect typical dust explosion hazardous equipment
陈永洋 / Andy Chen
根据国务院安全生产委员会印发《“十四五”国家安全生产规划》,对“十四五”时期安全生产工作作出全面部署,确定了“系统谋划、标本兼治,源头防控、精准施治,深化改革、强化法治,广泛参与、社会共治”的基本原则,提出到 2025 年安全生产形势趋稳向好、到 2035 年基本实现安全生产治理体系和治理能力现代化的奋斗目标。
为此,EXSAFE 聚焦防爆安全,秉承“广泛参与、社会共治”的原则,组织国内外爆炸防护领域专家对有关粉尘防爆安全的政策、法规、标准、技术及解决方案进行解读和探讨,同时,也邀请广东省、广州市及区各级安全生产协会领导、为省市区各级安全生产协会涉及粉尘防爆安全的会员企业提供免费参会福利,共同交流探讨粉尘涉爆企业合法合规要求和预防粉尘爆炸的技术措施。
由 EXSAFE 组织,认必安全(REMBE)协办的《工业防爆国际研讨会·公益》,于 2023 年 4 月 21 日在广东广州成功举行,带来了专业的粉尘防爆技术报告和交流学习的机会。 汇聚工业防爆领域顶级专家,分享精彩会议报告。
Dust explosion prevention & protection regulations and standards
乐有邦 全国安全生产粉尘防爆分技术委员会 秘书长
The explosion isolation technology in the application of the prevention of explosion hazard
Niklas Kitzhöfer/尼克拉斯·凯泽弗
认必安全亚洲业务发展总监,INDEX协会亚洲代表 Business development director of REMBE Asia,INDEX association Asia representative
The importance and necessity of explosion isolation, as well as an introduction to the methods of explosion isolation.
Combustible Dust Applications - Equipment Specifications
David McEwan / 大卫·麦克尤恩
尼的曼亚太区可燃粉尘应用经理、尼的曼可燃粉尘意识和应用批准全球培训师 Combustible dust applications manager APAC,Nederman global trainer for combustible dust awareness and application approvals
在涉及可燃粉尘的解决方案时,人们往往关注在一个具体的点上(如爆炸排气装置),却很少考虑整体的安全解决方法。在考虑可燃粉尘的解决方案时,有以下几个方面需要重视:1.评估粉尘类型并选择适用粉尘类型和场地与设备的解决方案; 2.提供安全的工作环境并满足客户对现场安全性的期望; 3.保护工作场所、工人和贵重的生产设备; 4.识别风险、管理风险,按照预期的用途设计和安装解决方案,以便在需要时提供安全结果。
Combustible Dust solutions are quite often focused on one item (eg explosion relief venting) without considering the holistic approach to safety and a safe solution. When considering combustible dust solutions, it is important to: 1.assess the dust and choose a solution that suits the dust and the site/installation ; 2.offers a safe work environment and meets client expectations for site safety; 3.protects the workspace, workers and valuable production equipment; 4.identifies the risks, manages the risks install solutions that when required to deliver a safe outcome, do so as they are designed and installed as per their intended use.
Safety Inspection in Hazardous location
朱海锋 / Frank Zhu TÜV南德意志(TÜV SÜD)大中华集团商业产品部 总工 Senior Principal Specialist of the Commercial Products Division at TÜV SÜD Greater China
报告介绍基于IEC 60079-14的危险场地防爆设备安装要求和基于IEC 60079-17的危险场地安全检查要求,并分享TÜV SÜD 在工厂检查领域的丰富经验和最佳实践。
The seminar will introduce installation requirement of electrical equipment in explosive atmosphere in according to IEC 60079-14 and safety inspection in according to IEC 60079-17.TÜV SÜD will also share the rich experience and best practice in safety inspection at hazardous locations.
Technique of the dust collector systems for different combustible dusts
谭永聪 / Timon Tan 唐纳恩高级大客户经理、北京大学工商管理硕士、中国工业防爆技术创新联盟专家成员 Bachelor of mechanical engineering and MBA of the Peking university Expert of CIEPA
Features and characters of deferent combustible dusts are virous, dust collector system shall be considered of the deference, adopted applicable techniques and configurations accordingly. The speech will give the brief introduction on it.
Principle and key points of use and maintenance of spark detection and extinguishing device
李鹏 / Patrick.li 德国格雷康中国公司销售总监 Sales Director of GreCon GmbH China
许多工厂每天都要忍受除尘器着火和爆炸的威胁,火花探测及喷水熄灭系统从源头上消灭点火源,让企业主“高枕无 忧”。
Many factories have to endure the threat of dust devices fires and explosions on a daily basis. Spark detection and extinguishment systems eliminate ignition sources at the source.
Technical principle and applications of dust explosion protection
宋辰 / Chen Song 大连度达安全科技有限公司研发总监、高级工程师 Chief of R&D of Dalian DUTA safety technology Co., Ltd.,senior engineer
Features and Principle of dust explosion prevention and protection Main methods of dust explosion protection: venting, isolation, resistance and suppression Main devices and key technical of the dust explosion protection Type test and application cases of the protection devices.
Elements of building a compliant dust removal system for explosive dust
胡克鹏 / Byron 苏州市淳然环境技术有限公司技术总监、住建部注册一级建造师 Registered First Class Constructor and Safety Engineer
According to the requirements of current regulations, this article elaborates on the elements of constructing a compliant dust removal system for explosive dust from multiple perspectives, such as the fire compartment of buildings, reasonable process selection for different types of dust, safety configuration elements for pipelines, explosion-proof safety components for dry and wet dust collectors, configuration of explosion-proof fans, fire protection and lightning protection.
How to protect typical dust explosion hazardous equipment
陈永洋 / Andy Chen 认必安全销售经、TUV特灵顿注册培训师 Sales manager of REMBE China;TUV Thuringen certificated trainer
Explosion Protection of Every industrial process Equipment has its own geometries, materials and hazards, comprehensive explosion mitigation systems ensure we have the solutions to reliably protect each of your unique applications. Such as Dust Collectors,Bucket Elevators,Silos & Storage,Separation.
EXSAFE2023 - 第1届 工业防爆国际研讨会
我们以独立研究和远见卓识著称,持续将防爆安全科学与技术推向实践应用,我们广泛的防爆安全知识有助于使生活和生产更安全、更有保障、更可持续,从工业到农业再到日常生活方方面面。 我们与世界各地的防爆安全领域企业、大学、协会以及其它机构合作,利用我们和全球专家不断增长的科学知识,共同制定一个可持续发展的路线图,以实现更安全的未来。
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ExSafe - Industrial Explosion Prevention & Protection
防爆安全 - 工业爆炸预防与保护技术